Listen more, talk less.
This past week I got the great opportunity to go on a 3 day cruise. Everyone’s dream right? (I’m probably the only person who comes back more stressed out)
Unfortunately on our way back home I started to feel nauseas, and continued not to feel great the rest of the day. I was so proud of myself for “not being sick in 2 years” that I completely denied that I was coming down with something.
(My ego told me- you’re a dietitian and trainer, you can’t get sick! )
I rescheduled my very early (6am) clients because I knew I needed to rest. However, because I was so eager to get back into my workouts and routine, I kept my regular schedule.
Three days later, I woke up and had completely lost my voice. Of course I proceeded with my day, because that is what I HAD to do.
I trained my morning and afternoon clients (which I’m sure was interesting to watch).
Later that evening when I had some quiet time…. I had a realization.
I wanted to get back into my regular routine so badly, that I was actually denying to myself that I didn’t feel good. When did not listening to our bodies become ok?
It becomes ok when our ego’s takes over.
Remember learning about the ego in psychology class? Here is the definition thanks to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Ego: the opinion that you have about yourself.
In psychology terms: a part of the mind that senses and adapts to the real world
Our ego tells us we have to look a certain way, that we have to meet our own expectations we set for ourselves, that we have to workout a certain amount of minutes to get a good workout in, complete a certain amount of work in order to feel accomplished, and also meet other peoples expectations. Sounds exhausting and it is.
In reality, we don’t HAVE to do any of those things. It’s a choice we make. The only thing that is important is our own truth, and no body else’s.
Let your ego go people! I promise it will be so liberating. It may even take some time, but the more you listen to yourself, the process will come naturally to you.
The only way I’ve learned to do this is through yoga. Yoga lets you be still in your own body and mind. As the mental chatter goes away, your truth will become more apparent.
Before you say “im not one of those people who can sit still”- guess what, you are the one that needs to sit still the most!
With love,