From Russia with Love...Borsht

Giving the ingredients some love :)

Giving the ingredients some love :)

This is a classic Russian soup, that is low in calories, but full of nutrients. There are many variations to this soup- but I like to keep my recipes healthy and simple. This soup usually lasts me a week or more, and that's with 2 people eating it. Enjoy!


1 head of cabbage

2 cups of carrots

1 cup of chopped celery

2 sliced sweet potatoes

Chicken stalk

3 beets


 Cut up all of your ingredients. In a large pot, place cabbage, celery, beets and sweet potatoes.  Fill up pot with water, and add the chicken stalk. (I used a dehydrated version). Let all of the ingredients simmer, not boil for approximately 30 minutes. Add a cup of chopped cilantro at the end, and season with black pepper, cumin, and other spices of choice. After a few hours, the soup will turn into a bright, beautiful deep red color. Serve with a dollop of plain greek yogurt and enjoy!

The ingredients..

The ingredients..

Almost done...

Almost done...

All done! yum!

All done! yum!